How To Join
With few exceptions, any salaried employee in CSR, Holcim, Wilmar and Viridian is eligible to join the Salaried Staff United.
Membership of the Staff Association will help you to gain a better understanding of the workplace practices and procedures of the company you work for whether it is CSR, Holcim, Wilmar or Viridian.
One of the key goals of the Staff Association is about helping to make the workplace a better place for you and your colleagues to work.
Many managers and senior managers of CSR, Holcim, Wilmar and Viridian belong to the Staff Association. Your Membership will ensure the continued growth and effectiveness of the one organisation that represents and speaks for Members interests.
To access the Staff Association’s Membership Application form simply click on the following link:
http://www.salariedstaffunited.com.au/membership-info/download-membership-form and select either:
- Editable PDF (to complete digitally) or
- Printable PDF (to complete by handwriting).
Simply download either the Printable PDF Application for completion by handwriting or the Editable PDF Application to complete electronically. If you can sign digitally there is no need to print the form. You will need to print off either form if you need to sign manually. Send your completed Application form by email to support@salariedstaffunited.zohodesk.com.au or post it to:
Salaried Staff United
PO Box 292
Telephone: (07) 3667 7477 or email any queries to support@salariedstaffunited.zohodesk..com.au .
If you would like somebody to contact you to discuss the services the Association can offer complete the MORE INFO FORM below:
The Staff Association also accepts annual payments from Members.
For Member’s wanting to pay their membership fee on an annual basis please email your request to the Staff Association at support@salariedstaffunited.zohodesk.com.au or alternatively contact us on (07) 3667 7477 for assistance with this payment method.
It is important to remember that Membership Fees are tax deductible!