Fred Adams
I have now worked in the construction industry for over 40 years, more than 37 of which with Holcim Australia.
I have held positions in a number of business units including Commercial, Operations and Logistics across NSW, ACT, WA and NT; including General Manager of Aggregates WA/NT.
From November 2020 I have been overseeing the aggregate and sand operations of 12 quarries having been appointed to the position of General Manager NSW/ACT Aggregates.
I am the current President of SSU, a member of the CCAA (Concrete, Cement and Aggregates Australia) and also the Institute of Quarrying Australia.
In all my years working with people it has been profoundly obvious to me that the most valuable resources of companies are the people they employ. It was this view that prompted me to offer to serve on the Executive Council of SSU as I thought my experience could make me a valuable contributor to the team.
Yes, it is difficult at times trying to juggle the responsibilities of my paid position within Holcim and a family life added to the volunteer role being SSU President. There have been pluses and minuses along the way, mostly with more greys, and less hair overall, but joking aside, I still see Salaried Staff United, after its 80th year as being as relevant to members as it was in 1942, even if sometimes the nature of the assistance provided to members has changed over the years.
My term with SSU is coming close to 5 years now and I feel that my contribution to our Association has had a positive impact on the workings of the EC team and for the benefit of my member colleagues.
It's not a burden it is a privilege .